Open Class List


Instructional Method

CRN Course Method Course Title Credits Instructor Open
Spring 2025 Physics Courses
40268 PHY 1103 Traditional General Physics 5 John Lindberg 38 open seats
40269 PHY 1110 Traditional Introduction to the Nature of Science 5 Kara Gray 30 open seats
40270 PHY 1123 Traditional Physics for Science and Engineering 5 Lisa Goodhew 38 open seats
40781 PHY 2321 Traditional Intermediate Physics 5 John Lindberg 15 open seats
40271 PHY 3011 Traditional Global Climate Change: Scientific, Social ... 5 Lisa Goodhew 36 open seats
40273 PHY 4520 Traditional Preparing to Teach 2 Lisa Goodhew 28 open seats
40274 PHY 4898 Traditional Physics Capstone 1 John Lindberg 10 open seats